The excessive gingival display is often necessary for better alignment and harmony of the aesthetic smile you plan. To simplify your plan and workflow.

SmileFy 3D Planning allows you to combine the patient’s cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan, intraoral scan, and facial picture to create a facially guided wax-up model you print to reference both gingivectomy procedures and esthetic restorations while considering the biological width.

By incorporating the Perio Analysis functionality in the app, we can provide a simplified method of generating a reliable guide for predictable results from the diagnostic wax-up you’ve created in SmileFy. Moreover, using this feature helps you avoid unnecessary bone excision, which may cause root exposure and tooth sensitivity.


  • Excessive Gingival Display
  • Esthetic Crown Lengthening
  • Gingivoplasty

Benefits of working with a Digital Workflow for Gingivectomy cases:

  • Design gum contouring guides based on CBCT measurements and an intraoral scan
  • Visualization of hard and soft tissues using IO scan and CBCT DICOM and Bone file
  • Free-hand Customized Measurements
  • Multiple Teeth selection to choose
  • Create Facially Guided Designs
  • STL files can be exported to print with any 3D dental printer

You will need 3 files to create your gingivectomy guide:

1 – Patient’s smiling picture – Centered and in a natural head position

2 – Upper intraoral scan to visualize the current position of the soft tissue

3 – CBCT bone file to visualize crown height and the bone crest level

  • Pink: The 3D design
  • Yellow: CBCT bone file
  • Orange: Intraoral scan showing teeth and gum

With the files calibrated, it becomes easy to select the right 3D teeth template to use for the guide. Select from an extensive tooth library, different natural-looking tooth shapes that mimic natural morphology all with the click of a button (see image below for reference).

With the 3D design in place, the distance from cervical margin of the 3D design to facial bone crest can be easily measured using the cross-section tool allowing you to respect the biological width after the surgery is performed.

Once the 3D model is designed, you can export the STL files to 3D print. From this 3D printed model, a silicon guide can be created to transfer the design to create your Gum Contouring guide.

Why should you start incorporating your Perio-Analysis with SmileFy:

  • Three-dimensional perio analysis with SmileFy provides a non-invasive method to localize the CEJ compared to clinically probing it.
  • It helps you avoid unnecessary bone excision, which may cause root exposure and tooth sensitivity.
  • It allows you to 3D plan both gingival and esthetic procedure simultaneously
  • Patients will be able to see themselves in a 3D digital format before starting the treatment.
  • The prognosis can be discussed together to reach a consensus on the ideal treatment plan.
  • Both the patient and the doctor can positively contribute to the success of the treatment, making it more predictable and consistent with patient expectations.

To learn more about planning Gingivectomy cases with SmileFy, watch our tutorial where Dr. Diogo Alves explains the feature and puts it into practice.

FREE WEBINAR – Design for Implant bridges
Plan, 3D Design & 3D print your full-arch implant bridges – easy, fast, and facially guided with SmileFy

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